MVDr. Viktor Paluš, Diplomate ECVN

MVDr. Viktor Paluš, Diplomate ECVN
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology

Volám sa Viktor Paluš a vykonávam veterinárnu prax od roku 2005. Najskôr som začal pracovať na Veterinárnej univerzite v Brne, na klinike chorôb psov a mačiek. Tu som strávil necelé dva roky a venoval som sa výlučne internej medicine.

Potom som odišiel do Anglicka kde som pracoval na veľkej veterinárnej klinike v Stroude. Tu som sa venoval hlavne zobrazovacím metódam, kardiológii, vnútorným chorobám, chirurgii a ortopédii.

Neskôr som si splnil svoj profesionálny sen a začal som sa špecializovať vo veterinárnej neurológii na prestížnom referenčom pracovisku Dick White Referrals v Newmarkete.

V roku 2012 som úspešne absolvoval špecializačné skúšky a stal som sa diplomovaným neurológom a európsky špecialistom vo veterinárnej neurológii. O rok neskôr ma kráľovská komora veterinárnych lekárov vyhlásila za RCVS špecialistu vo veterinárnej neurológii.

V Anglicku som potom pokračoval v práci ako veterinárny neurológ a stal som sa čestným docentom Nottinghamskej veterinárnej univerzity.

V roku 2014 som sa vrátil na Slovensko kde som sa stal spoluzakladateľom veterinárnej kliniky Elpa, z ktorej sa v roku 2017 odčlenilo referenčné centrum pre veterinárnu neurológiu NeuroVet.

NeuroVet je jediné veterinárne pracovisko, ktoré sa venuje kompletnej neurologickej diagnostike, liečbe a neurochirurgii malých zvierat na Slovensku.
Do NeuroVetu sú referovaní pacienti od veterinárnych lekárov z celého Slovenska, ktorých dôveru si vážim a úzko s nimi spolupracujem.

Diplomavý neurológ a európsky špecialista vo veterinárnej Neurológii

MVDr. Viktor Paluš, Diplomate ECVN

  • Špecialista vo veterinárnej neurológii, odborný garant veterinárneho tímu, udržovanie a nastavovanie odborných štandardov na našom pracovisku, majiteľ kliniky
  • Európsky špecialista vo veterinárnej Neurológii
  • Špecialista vo Veterinárnej Neurológii uznaný Kráľovskou Komorou Veterinárnych Lekárov v Londýne
  • Absolvent UVL Košice 2005
  • Člen Komory veterinárnych lekárov SR.
  • Prax v zahraničí
  • Mnohoročná prax
  • Moje certifikáty


  • absolvent UVL Košice 2005
  • 2005-2006 Klinika chorôb malých zvierat, Veterinárna a Farmaceutická Univerzita v Brne
  • 2006-2007 extrenshipy na viacerých referenčných klinikách v Taliansku, Fínsku, Írsku a Veľkej Británii
  • 2008-2009 veterinárna nemocnica Clockhouse Veterinary Hospital, Stroud, Veľká Británia
  • 2008-2009 všeobecný rotačný internship v referenčnej veterinárnej nemocnici, Dick White Referrals, Newmarket, Veľká Británia
  • 2009-2012 ECVN rezidentúra v neurológii a neurochirurgii v referenčnej veterinárnej nemocnici, Dick White Referrals, Newmarket, Veľká Británia
  • 2012 úspešné absolvovanie skúšok na Diplomate ECVN – diplomovaný Európsky Špecialista vo Veterinárnej Neurológii – European College of Veterinary Neurology
  • 2012-2014 konzultant vo veterinárnej neurológii a neurochirurgii v referenčnej veterinárnej nemocnici, Dick White Referrals, Newmarket, Veľká Británia
  • 2012-2014 čestný docent vo Veterinárnej Neurológii na Veterinárnej Fakulte v Nottinghame, Veľká Británia
  • 2014 Špecialista vo Veterinárnej Neurológii uznaný Kráľovskou Komorou Veterinárnych Lekárov v Londýne
  • od 2014 externý konzultant vo veterinárnej neurológii a neurochirurgii v referenčnej veterinárnej nemocnici, Wear Referrals, Bishop Auckland, Veľká Británia
  • 2014-2017 spoluzakladateľ veterinárnej kliniky ELPA, konzultant vo veterinárnej neurológii a neurochirurgii
  • od 2017 otvorenie referenčného centra pre veterinárnu neurológiu – Neurovet


  • Knotek Z, Palus V, Vahala J, Leva L, Faldyna M (2007) Recombinant interferon omega (rFeIFN-ω) for treatment of infectious feline diseases. Veterinarni klinika; 4: 52-56. (In Czech).
  • Knotek Z, Palus V (2008) Treatment of chronic purulent rhinitis in FeLV-positive cat with feline omega interferon. In: De Mari K. (ed.), Veterinary Interferon Handbook 2nd edition, Virbac S.A., pp.77-80.
  • Palus V, Penderis J, Jakovljevic S, Cherubini GB (2010) Thiamine deficiency in a cat: resolution of MRI abnormalities following thiamine supplementation. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery; Oct; 12 (10): 807-10.
  • Eminaga S, Palus V, Cherubini GB (2011) Acute feline spinal cord injury. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery; Nov; 13 (11): 850-62.
  • Eminaga S, Palus V, Cherubini (2011) Minute virus as a possible cause of neurological problems in dogs. Veterinary Record; 168; 111-112.
  • Palus V, Volk HA, Lamb CR, Targett MP, Cherubini GB (2012) Magnetic resonance imaging features of lymphoma affecting the central nervous system in dogs and cats. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound; Jan-Feb; 53(1): 44-9.
  • Palus V, Bladon B, Brazil T, Cherubini GB, Powell SE, Greet TRC, Marr CM (2012) Retrospective study of neurological signs and management of seven horses from England diagnosed with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. Equine Veterinary Education; Aug; 24 (8): 415-22.
  • Aprea F, Cherubini GB, Palus V, Vettorato E, Corletto F (2012) Effect of extradural morphine on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing surgery for thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association; Sep; 241(6): 754-9.
  • Yanai H, Palus V,Caine A, Summers B, Cherubini GB (2013) Feline Idiopathic Hippocampal necrosis: findings in a UK case. Veterinary Times 11/2 19-20.
  • Palus V, Cherubini GB(2013) Approach to the diagnosis and treatment of CNS lymphoma. Veterinary Times 15/4; 8-10.
  • Palus V (2013) How to approach the dog with neck pain. Companion (June); 16-23.
  • Scarpante E, Palus V, Cherubini GB (2013) Congenital hydrocephalus case study: pathophysiology, treatment and prognosis. Companion animal (July); 18 (5); 206-209.
  • Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB (2013) Seizuring cat: what to ask, what to do? Companion animal (September); 18 (7); 332-341.
  • Palus V (2013) Acute intracranial bleeding in a cat. Infovet; 20 (4); 153-156. (In Slovak).
  • Scarpante E, Palus V, Summers BA, Caine A, Cherubini GB (2013) Vacuolar meningioma: a new and rare variant of canine meningioma. Veterinary Record; 173(20); 502.
  • Palus V (2013) Acute spinal cord injuries in dogs and cats – exogenous causes. Pes a Mačka; 10; 44-47 (In Slovak).
  • Fernandes R, Cherubini GB, Caine A, Palus V (2013) Magnetic resonance findings in a domestic short-hair cat with presumptive mucopolysaccharidosis. Veterinary Record Case Reports; 1:e000013 doi:10.1136/vetrecct-2013-000013.
  • Gindiciosi B, Palus V, Eminaga S, Villiers B, Cherubini GB (2014) Serum bromide concentrations following loading dose in epileptic dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice; 55; 108-111.
  • Palus V (2014) Neurological examination in small animals – Clinical review. Macedonian Veterinary Review; 37 (1); 95-105.
  • Bazelle J, Caine A, Palus V, Summers BA, Cherubini GB (2014) Arachnoid diverticulum in fourth ventricle in 5 dogs. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound; (accepted for publication)
  • Cian F, Palus V, Cherubini GB, Archer J, Villiers E (2014) What is your diagnosis? Cerebrospinal fluid from a dog. Veterinary Clinical Pathology; 43 (1); 115-116.
  • Palus V, Ficova S (2014) Acute spinal cord injuries in dogs and cats – endogenous cases. Pes a Mačka; 2; 34-36 (In Slovak).
  • Rylander H, Eminaga S, Palus V, Steinberg H, Caine A, Summers BA, Gehrke J, West C, Fox PR, Donovan T, Cherubini GB (2014) Feline ischemic myelopathy and encephalopathy secondary to hyaline arteriopathy in five cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery; Oct; 16 (10): 832-839.
  • Genoni S, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB (2014) Safety of intrathecal administration of Cytosine Arabinoside and Methotrexate in dogs and cats. Veterinary and Comparative Oncology; Sept; 14(3): 331-336.
  • Giannasi C, Shelton D, Tappin S, Palus V (2014) Dystrophin – deficient muscular dystrophy in two Lurchers. Journal of Small Animal Practice; Sept; 56 (9): 577-580
  • Miller RL, Bell R, Matiasek K, Rosati M, Housley D, Palus V (2014) A neuroendocrine pituitary macroadenoma of the cat presenting with primary adipsia and hypernatremia. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports; DOI: 10.1177/2055116915589838
  • Scarpante E, Palus V, Summers BA, Caine A, Cherubini GB (2015) Imaging diagnosis – Magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial inflammatory fibrosarcoma in a mixed breed dog. Veterinary radiology and ultrasound; 57(1); E5-E9
  • Hajek I, Kettner F, Simerdova V, Rusbridge C, Wang P, Minassian B, Palus V (2016) NHLRC1 repeat expansion in two Beagles with Lafora disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice; Nov; 57(11): 650-652
  • Palus V (2017) Neurologie. In: Váňová I. (ed.), Chytrá knížka – 1000 otázek od veterinářů, pp.194-202.
  • de Strobel F, Palus V, Caine A, Summers BA, Cherubini GB (2018) Focal space-occupying cervical granulomatous meningomyelitis in a dog; Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis; 7:4, doi: 10.4172/2325-9590.1000266
  • Barker DA, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB (2018) Axis dorsal laminotomy in dogs: a retrospective analysis of 10 dogs; Veterinary Record Case Reports 6: e000574. doi: 10.1136/vetreccr-2017-000574
  • Matiasovic M, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB (2018) Linear traction-stabilisation for traction-responsive cervical spondylomyelopathy; Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis; 7:5, DOI: 10.4172/2325-9590.1000267
  • De Strobel F, Palus V, Vettorato E, Cherubini GB (2019) Cervical hyperaesthesia in dogs: an epidemiological retrospective study of 185 cases; Journal of Small Animal Practice; Jul; 60(7): 404-410, DOI: 10.1111/jsap.12987
  • Orgonikova I, Rosati M, Reed N, Tappin S, Palus V (2020) Prolonged survival of a 7-year old vizsla with histiocytic sarcoma affecting the spinal cord and protein-losing nephropathy after lomustine treatment; Veterinary Record Case Reports 8: e000994. doi: 10.1136/vetreccr-2019-000994
  • Prikryl M, Caine A, Palus V (2020) Transient postural vestibular syndrome in three dogs the presumed cerebellar hypoplasia; Frontiers in Veterinary Science – Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00453
  • Liskova M, Palus V (2020) Feline hyperaesthesia syndrome. Pes a Mačka; 9; 36-39 (In Slovak).
  • Fizelova M, Liskova M, Palus V (2020) Not every seizure is epilepsy – pitfalls in diagnosis of patients with seizures. InfoVet; 27 (5): 186-191 (In Slovak).
  • Liskova, M, Fizelova M, Palus V (2020) Diagnostic and therapeutical approach to canine epilepsy. InfoVet; 27 (5): 192-199 (In Slovak).
  • Palus V, Liskova M, Fizelova M (2020) Emergency treatment of epileptic cluster seizures and status epilepticus in dogs. InfoVet; 27 (5): 199-203 (In Slovak).
  • Palus V, Mikusova L (2020) Stabilisation and therapy of cane corso dog in status epilepticus with idiopathic epilepsy – Case report. InfoVet; 27 (5): 203-207 (In Slovak).
  • Orgonikova I, Brocal J, Cherubini GB, Palus V (2021) Vertebral fractures and luxations in dogs and cats, part 1: evaluation of diagnosis and prognosis. Companion animal; 26 (2).
  • Orgonikova I, Brocal J, Cherubini GB, Palus V (2021) Vertebral fractures and luxations in dogs and cats, part 2: treatment and surgery options. Companion animal; 26 (3).
  • Rosova S, Danis A, Palus V (2021) Nutritional support of the critically ill patient. Veterinarny žurnál; 04: 6-12 (In Slovak)
  • Cedzo M, Palus V (2021) Degenerative lumbosacral stenosis in dogs. Pes a Mačka; 10: 44-47 (In Slovak).

Prezentácie na medzinárodných vedeckých stretnutiach

  • Palus V, Volk HA, Cherubini GB. CNS lymphoma in dogs and cats. BNOS annual meeting Hull (2009) – poster
  • Palus V, Volk HA, Lamb CR, Cherubini GB. MRI features of CNS lymphoma in dogs and cats. ECVN congress Bologna (2009) – poster
  • Bazelle J, Caine A, Palus V, Summers BA, Cherubini GB. Arachnoid diverticulum in the fourth ventricle in 5 dogs. EAVDI-BID meeting Glasgow (2010) – oral
  • Cherubini GB, Caine A, Palus V, Summers BA. Canine brachial plexus neuritis: MRI features of one confirmed and one suspected case. ECVN congress Cambridge (2010) – poster
  • Aprea F, Cherubini GB, Palus V, Vettorato E, Girard N, Corletto F. Effect of extradural morphine on postoperative analgesia after surgery for thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs. ECVN congress Cambridge (2010) – poster
  • Palus V, Bladon B, Cherubini GB, Powell SE, Greet TRC, Marr CM. Neurological signs and management of horses from England diagnosed with Temporohyoid Osteoarthropathy. ECVN congress Cambridge (2010) – poster
  • Cornet X, Palus V, Summers BA, Caine A, Cherubini GB. Canine ganglioneuritis presenting as a cervical vertebral canal mass lesion: case report, magnetic resonance imaging and histopathological findings. ECVN congress Trier (2011) – poster
  • Genoni S, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB. Safety of intrathecal administration of cytosine arabinoside and methotrexate in dogs and cats. ECVN congress Trier (2011) – oral
  • Simpson KM, Palus V, Eminaga S, Caine A, Summers BA, Cherubini GB. Basilar artery vasculopathy mimicking feline meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown aetiology. ECVN congress Ghent (2012) – oral
  • Simpson KM, Palus V, Eminaga S, Caine A, Villiers E, Cherubini GB. Feline meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown aetiology: a retrospective study of 12 cases (2009-2012). ECVN congress Ghent (2012) – oral
  • Scarpante E, Palus V, Summers BA, Caine A, Cherubini GB. Vacuolar meningioma: a new and rare variant of canine meningioma. ECVN congress Ghent (2012) – poster
  • Knuchel-Takano A, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB. Linear traction magnetic resonance and surgical stabilization using threaded Steinmann pins and polymethyl methacrylate in 15 dogs with traction responsive cervical spondylomyelopathy. ECVN congress Ghent (2012) – poster
  • Gindiciosi B, Palus V, Eminaga S, Villiers E, Cherubini GB. Bromide serum levels following loading dose in epileptic dogs. ECVN congress Ghent (2012) – poster
  • Fernandez R, Cherubini GB, Caine A, Palus V. MR imaging of the brain and spine of a cat with suspected mucopolysaccharidosis. EVDI congress Lisbon (2013) – poster
  • Spencer S, Palus V, Eminaga S, Taeymans O, De Stefani A, Cherubini GB. Feline meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown etiology. BSAVA congress Birmingham (2015) – poster
  • Hajek I, Vatolik V, Simerdova V, Minassian BA, Wang P, Bhatti SFM, Palus Lafora disease in a beagle. ECVN congress Amsterdam (2015) – poster
  • De Strobel F, Palus V, Caine A, De Stefani A, Cherubini GB. Cervical spinal cord GME mimicking neoplasia in three dogs. ECVN congress Amsterdam (2015) – poster
  • Matiasovic M, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB. Linear traction-stabilisation for traction-responsive cervical spondylomyelopathy. BSAVA congress Birmingham (2016) – oral
  • Cherubini GB, Barker D, Eminaga S, Palus V. Axis dorsal laminotomy (doffing) in 8 dogs. BSAVA congress Birmingham (2016) – oral
  • Garaj T, Nemec P, Daniel D, Orgonikova I, Elias E, Palus V. Hyperlipidemia in a cat as a cause of epileptic seizures. SAVMLZ congress Senec (2016) – poster
  • Baker D, Palus V, Eminaga S, Cherubini GB. C2 cranial dorsal laminotomy (doffing) in 10 dogs. ECVN congress Helsinki (2017) – poster


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